What are the best ethical arguments for and against decriminalizing drugs such as cannabis discussed throughout this week’s materials? Use the knowledge you’ve so far gained on ethics especially the 5 ways of thinking ethically to explain why you selected those arguments

Ethical issues in Public Administration What are the best ethical arguments for and against decriminalizing drugs such as cannabis discussed throughout this week’s materials? Use the knowledge you’ve so far gained on ethics especially the 5 ways of thinking ethically to explain why you selected those arguments https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/house-votes-to-decriminalize-marijuana-at-federal-level https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/oregon-1st-state-to-decriminalize-possession-of-hard-drugs https://marijuana.procon.org/history-of-recreational-marijuana/ https://marijuana.procon.org/history-of-recreational-marijuana/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-moral-case-for-legali_b_1199242?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM0ahPd4PeC7LnGq4PEvNrHI3_bsrTXteSwWckd6KLPmsUdVSzr7AOSGeS0RMZKk5xJeIOXtEj_t07c8dIlt2mlTWJvVwm5kXAvdIdKsGK_p7LULJBHfY3DG1hwCVkEZx29sfoZTufgnt35eYcqOXI3QcZakrlI-RQ6bsToSDyTI https://youtu.be/OTpwUUNepZc

Describe and explain what the Intelligence Community got wrong and why. What adjustments were made from the lessons learned?

U.S. Intelligence Community Failure In Iraq (Weapons of Mass destruction used for invasion. But turned out to be untrue) “ Unfortunately, the U.S. Intelligence Community does not always get it right. One of the best ways to learn and improve is from intelligence failures. Pick and analyze one. Examples include (but are not limited to) […]

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