How can Airbnb ensure the ethical treatment of consumers? Should there be a separate strategy for the international component of their business model?Explain

Read “Case 2: Airbnb in 2018” In the accommodations market, Airbnb appears to have a significant advantage over its competitors as it relates to regulations affecting the operations of its business. Develop a business strategy that will allow Airbnb to meet local, state, and international regulatory requirements and motivate individuals to benefit from participating in […]

Explain how your goals for graduate study relate to your longer-term career plans, including the pursuit of additional degrees or certifications if applicable.

Academic Statement Instructions: “Your Academic Statement should be a concise statement of your plans for graduate study, your career goals, and how MSU’s graduate program will help you meet your career and educational objectives. Your Academic Statement must include the following statement: “My intended area of specialization in the graduate program in (DEPARTMENT) at Michigan […]

Write an essay on Gettyburg address/emancipation proclamation it need to explain lincoln practical and idealistic views regarding ending in civil war.explain emancipation proclamation significance of the civil war 1863.

Write an essay on Gettyburg address/emancipation proclamation it need to explain lincoln practical and idealistic views regarding ending in civil war.explain emancipation proclamation significance of the civil war 1863.and the emancipation proclamation state now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can […]

What is one way the brain compensates for a child’s inability to hear or see? How might the brain look different in people who are blind or deaf?

Preschool children are better than toddlers and infants at things like goal setting, planning, and controlling impulsivity. What is happening in the brain that accounts for their new abilities? When do you think you’d see evidence of this? Can you think of an example? What is one way the brain compensates for a child’s inability […]

Explain how using the various forms of interpersonal power could impact the other person’s response and the likely outcome of the conversation in the scenario.

After 10 years working at your company, you are asked to mentor a new employee on proper office communication and etiquette. Discuss the six interpersonal powers. Explain how using the various forms of interpersonal power could impact the other person’s response and the likely outcome of the conversation in the scenario. Identify two out of […]

What are the top 5 factors that you would consider in fashioning a sentence? What would be 2 aggravating and mitigating factors to consider in this case?

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post You were recently elected to office as a state trial judge in your local trial court. You have just concluded your first criminal trial and will be sentencing the defendant at an upcoming hearing. As an attorney, you worked exclusively with civil […]

Dscuss what careers were suggested for your learning style type. Can you see yourself working in any of the suggested careers? Why or Why not? What other pieces of information were introduced about your learning style that may assist you in college, your personal development and your professional development?

Learning about your own personal learning style will help when developing study strategies for college success! Step 1: Complete this online survey… learning style inventory.docx Step 2: Next, click on the website below or paste it into your browser. Using your 4 letter combination from the learning styles inventory above to locate your specific learning […]

Evaluate Garcia’s work on taste aversion. Explain how his work differed from most studies of Pavlovian conditioning.

In addition to writing a 300 word answer to each essay question with APA formatted citations and references (APA title page and reference page are required. Students will answer each question thoroughly and completely, providing examples where required. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required for this exam. Answer the question below. Evaluate Garcia’s […]

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