Identify and expand on the best practices in podcast from the last module and make all the necessary decisions. Who will make them, what are the best practices they will utilize, where will they be in the curriculum?

Making a change can be great, but how we communicate this plan can influence how it will be received. The success of introducing technology into any system, especially a school system, is dependent largely on how the plan is communicated. Who do you talk to first? Where do you start getting “buy in”? In this […]

Explain what you are going to teach these students in your discipline over the next 2 weeks, linking to the syllabus outcomes.

You have a Year 8 class of 28 students. There is a range of abilities in your discipline and most students are motivated to learn. In the class, there are 2 students who arrived from South Sudan in primary school, completed Intensive English programs and have good communicative English skills. 1.Identify the teaching focus: Explain […]

Critically evaluate the effectiveness of own teaching using appropriate methods, including critical reflection, to formulate a plan for improvement.

The third observation is a BTEC Level 3 Sport Performance and Excellence course, aimed at students from the football academy, covering Sports Injuries: The Assignment should satisfy these learning outcomes. • Identify how educational theories shape approaches to teaching and learning and how they can be embodied in classroom pedagogy. • Demonstrate independence, creativity and […]

From films to sports to politicians to teachers to coaches to social media influencers to and on.Who should be role models for teenagers?Explain.

Who should be role models for teenagers? From films to sports to politicians to teachers to coaches to social media influencers to and on and on… There are numerous role models within the world today. The ever-expanding virtual community offers not only celebrity or high-profile role models, but everyday internet users with social media accounts […]

What were the main steps to create your digital learning pedagogy ‘prototype’? List the technologies and specifically describe how the features were used to create the prototype.

A report on two Creative Inquiry activities and relate this to your future teaching practice. Address the following questions for each CI : 1. What were the main steps to create your digital learning/pedagogy ‘prototype’? List the technologies and specifically describe how the features were used to create the prototype. Include evidence of ‘prototype’ that […]

What new knowledge did you gain about teaching and learning from each?How will you use what you learned in your own teaching practice?

If you need to complete field hours for this course and do not have a place to volunteer or would like to avoid crowded settings due to Covid19, please watch the following videos and write a 1 page, single-spaced reflection for each. This will count for 10 hours of field for this course. What new […]

Critically discuss the question: What are the benefits and limitations of physical versus digital learning resources for young children?

Children and technology 1.Critically discuss the question: What are the benefits and limitations of physical versus digital learning resources for young children? 2. Attached is the file that I have already written the introduction, please follow the structure and finish the rest part of it

How are women in Canada affected by gender and race? What are some of the barriers that women of colour face? What unearned benefits do white women gain from white privilege?

How are women in Canada affected by gender and race? What are some of the barriers that women of colour face? What unearned benefits do white women gain from white privilege? A maximum of one external source may be used per essay. Each essay must have a statement that directly answers the question and separate […]

Develop a presentation for the interview panel that includes your vision of the role of human resources in the organization.

Respond to two of the following questions: 1. You are interviewing for the position of Director of Human Resources for a school district or college. Develop a presentation for the interview panel that includes your vision of the role of human resources in the organization. Develop a plan that includes a philosophy and a rationale […]

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