Critically reconceptualises existing subject knowledge to engage with subject specific issues, concepts and skills in order to apply to planning, teaching, learning and assessment.

It’s a critical essay about how sentence builders can be used to present new language  in French in this case because I’m teaching MFL French and Spanish and critically evaluate my subject knowledge breadth and depth against relevant curricula and specification content. critique the pedagogy behind this maybe compare it to Rosenshine.. Also talk about […]

What particular element of policy becomes the subject of analysis for each type of policy analysis and why? How does this contribute to developing a good framework for the analysis of policy?

For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least three scholarly citations and 7–8 sources in Turabian format. I have attached the directions with the prompt question, the readings and presentation. Incorporate scriptures and a Biblical integration.What particular element of policy becomes the subject of analysis for each type of policy analysis and […]

Describe the child’s linguistic production you would expect at the stage given herein as much detail as you can. What stage would you expect next?

Answer two of the following three questions.Consider the following utterances from a 4-year-old child: a)What Suzie want read? b)Where Suzie will read?c)Why you eat cookies? d)Why she want to?What stage of question structures has the child reached here? Describe the child’s linguistic production you would expect at the stage given herein as much detail as […]

What can be done to improve assessment results, especially within specific populations?How do your research and recommendations fit into the boarder picture of improvement?

1. Revise the Assessment Project – Part 1 using the feedback that the superintendent provided. 2. Evaluate your district’s assessment strategy for the area(s) that are relevant to your research and make any recommendations. Consider the following points: Does your district’s current assessment strategy meet the needs of certain populations of students? What can be […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the emergence and development of a professional occupational group and its main changes and achievements in terms of policy, professional status, power, education and influence.

Outline the development of a human service profession/occupation from its inception to the current day, providing an analysis of its key moments, i.e. emergence, development and possible changes over time. 1) Demonstrate an understanding of the emergence and development of a professional occupational group and its main changes and achievements in terms of policy, professional […]

How does she address different learning styles when teaching grammar?What observations can you make about students’ awareness of their own learning? How does Ms. Tulou’s approach to instruction contribute to this awareness?

Comparing Communities video, think about it in terms of what you learned in the video and the PACE lessons, and use the following questions to guide your thinking, also do not forgot to add citations and references: What strategies does Ms. Tulou use to move students toward the goal of “expanding” language? In what ways […]

Which prompt are you interested in? What poem or poems would you use for this prompt and why?What is a possible argument statement you could create surrounding this prompt?Explain.

Questions to Think About For Your Essay: Which prompt are you interested in? What poem or poems would you use for this prompt and why? What is the poem / poems “about?” What is a possible argument statement you could create surrounding this prompt? Remember, a  statement isn’t just restating the question. It’s expanding on […]

What would be the core elements of a conflict resolution procedure that you would develop?

Simple response to the following post. It is meant to be encouraging and adds to the conversation.What would be the core elements of a conflict resolution procedure that you would develop? 1.) Identify the cause of the problem . 2.) It is important to also look past the incident. It is often the point of […]

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