Identify and reflect on two elements of this course that are useful in your professional development and ability to Integrate educational research.

Identify and reflect on two elements of this course that are useful in your professional development and ability to: • Integrate educational research, technology, and information sources into leadership practices to support successful educational organizations. • Solve problems of practice using quantitative, qualitative, or action research methods to develop meaningful solutions that improve the success […]

What are the pros and cons of the collective bargaining process in the education or training industry today?

What is the role of collective bargaining in the education or training industry today? What are the pros and cons of the collective bargaining process in the education or training industry today? What would you add to or change about the approaches and ideas proposed by the class? What literature gave you the best insight […]

Describe the method of research that you used to collect data in high school. How have methods or technology changed? What is the impact on researchers, and what would you do about it? What key points would you make if you were teaching high school students how to do research?

Research Strategy Describe the method of research that you used to collect data in high school. How have methods or technology changed? What is the impact on researchers, and what would you do about it? What key points would you make if you were teaching high school students how to do research?  

What is the real-world practical problem that affect children and youth, that you can try to solve using applied research?

Applied Research is designed to provide a solution to real world – practical problems that affect people. One goal of applied research is to make improvements. It is very different from Basic research which is aimed at increasing the scientific knowledge on a topic. Answer questions in the table, you can use bullet points – […]

Briefly discuss what linguists do and explain the nature of language and words. Briefly explain a prescriptive approach to grammar vs. a descriptive approach to grammar.

Read Chapter 1 in Relevant Linguistics and respond to questions/statements posted. Your response can be brief and to the point. Whenever possible, please, provide examples. Submit your response as an attachment in an MS Word file, or type right in the text box. Briefly discuss what linguists do and explain the nature of language and […]

What problem or issue is the program intended to address? Why was it initiated? Who was involved in its planning? What prompted the selection of this strategy or intervention?

Alternative approaches and practical guidelines . Boston: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN: 0205579353 1. Purpose. Why is this evaluation being requested? What is its purpose? What questions will it answer? 2. Users and Use. To what use will the evaluation findings be put? By whom? What others should be informed of the evaluation results? 3. The […]

How do you think and feel about evidence-based practice?How do you plan to use evidence-based practice after you graduate?

For the paper, please respond to the two questions. Please share your thoughts about the utility of CBT as a therapeutic approach and the potential effectiveness as a practice model for working with clients by responding to the following questions: 1. How do you think and feel about evidence-based practice? 2. How do you plan […]

Describe why the scribbling stage is important for the development of creativity in children.List the materials and strategies that the teacher uses for this activity.

In your initial response, respond to the following questions: In the early part of this video, name the developmental stage the child using crayons is in. Explain your choice. Based on your observation of the children as they make their “Me Books,” what developmental level(s) do the children represent? Use specific examples to explain your […]

What are some of the greatest barriers preventing our schools from meeting the educational goals for ELL students today?

What are some of the greatest barriers preventing our schools from meeting the educational goals for ELL students today? Consider efforts that promote and/or suppress dual language or two-way bilingual initiatives and programs. What recommendations are offered in your readings that address those barriers? Who do you see as potential change agents for implementing those […]

How is being multilingual a benefit to language teachers? Should teachers be at least bilingual? Should teachers introduce dialectal code-switching to their students?

Read, if needed: These transformations are readily identifiable to society, and society pre-judges people based on the dialect & language ability that they use. You will answer the question, below, about sociology and provide an in depth multi-paragraph response. How is being multilingual a benefit to language teachers? Should teachers be at least bilingual? […]

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