Discuss what type of training/assessments/requirements do police cadets have to complete in your jurisdiction in order to become a police officer? Should there be more or less requirements? Why?Explain.

In 3-4 paragraphs, research and discuss what type of training/assessments/requirements do police cadets have to complete in your jurisdiction in order to become a police officer? Should there be more or less requirements? Why or why not?

What assessment strategies will you utilize with this lesson? Why?How will these assessment strategies guide your instruction through this lesson and into future lessons in your unit?

This week, you will focus on modifying an existing lesson in your unit to incorporate assessment strategies throughout the lesson. Using the text to assist you, as well as any other information from the required studies or your personal research, please answer the following: • Explain the lesson you chose to make assessment changes. Why […]

Develop a Summary Evaluation Plan following the guidelines presented on page 356-357 of the FSW text.

Fitzpatrick, J., Sanders, J., & Worthen, B.  Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines . Boston: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN: 0205579353 Develop a Summary Evaluation Plan following the guidelines presented on page 356-357 of the FSW text. The summary can be in narrative or in table format and must include the following elements: evaluation questions, […]

How do your research and recommendations fit into the boarder picture of improvement?Does your district’s current assessment strategy meet the needs of certain populations of students?

Instructions 1. Revise the Assessment Project – Part 1 using the feedback that the superintendent provided. 2. Evaluate your district’s assessment strategy for the area(s) that are relevant to your research and make any recommendations. Consider the following points: Does your district’s current assessment strategy meet the needs of certain populations of students? What can […]

Do the characters or the situation change from the beginning to the end?Can you summarize the plot? Is it a recognizable kind or genre of story? How is the story narrated? Is the narrator identified as a character?

Elements of Fiction Expectations: What do you expect? from the title? fmm the first sentence or paragraph? after the first events or interactions of characters? as the conflict is resolved? What happens in the stor? Do the characters or the situation change from the beginning to the end? Can you summarize the plot? Is it […]

Explain your thinking. How will her talk impact the way that you think about supporting ALL students in an inclusive setting?

Ted Talk Reflection: Inclusion, Belonging and the Disability Revolution Reflect on Jennie Fenton’s Ted Talk Share at least 3 big ideas in the video that you found powerful. Explain your thinking. How will her talk impact the way that you think about supporting ALL students in an inclusive setting?

What would you expect the Direction and Strength of the relationship between the two variables to be and why?What do you expect the outcome to be?

Using your Huck text as a reference and starting point, identify two hypothetical variables you are interested in a relationship between Then provide the following information: Two hypothetical variables: Qualitative variables and quantitative variables Variable Name 1: operational definition Variable Name 2: operational definition Remember, correlations only measure the RELATIONSHIP or association between two variables; […]

Demonstrate management and leadership skills in a service industry context.Compare and contrast different service industry organisations change management systems and leadership in implementing change.

Leadership and Management for Service Industry (Unit 5) Assess current and future management and leadership skills for the service sector Assess current management and leadership ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills providing evidence from specific service sector examples Demonstrate management and leadership skills in a service industry context P7 Compare and contrast different service industry organisations change […]

Why does it reach a level that we as learners want to end our knowledge and lean on short cuts?

Education is the power to knowledge that reflects on the society rivalry. My experience during my academic years were acquainted with challenges and achievements. The moment we hear about school as children, excitement embodies us that we would want to attend immediately. This mirrors on high cost on curiosity. Presence of other children in kindergarten […]

How fast is your car traveling in the north direction? How fast in the east direction? Calculate the speed in each direction and show a screenshot to prove your point.

Drag the vector from the right to the work area. Check off the Values and the Angle on the top right corner to enable you to drag and change the size and direction of the vector. Check off Sum if you want the App shows the result of the vector addition. Use the eraser to […]

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