What is your perspective on this piece of legislation? Was this a positive / negative piece of legislation?

Select one (1) piece of legislation from the timeline and research how this piece of legislation impacted people with disabilities. Include the following: An overview of the selected piece of legislation. How this impacted people with disabilities – Provide two specific examples. What is your perspective on this piece of legislation? Was this a positive […]

Discuss your thoughts on the systems approach employed by family therapists; Do you believe that family systems can be the site of unwellness/maladaptive functioning, or is unwellness/maladaptive functioning only found in individuals?

Social Constructivism/Postmodernism: Family Therapy Discuss your thoughts on the systems approach employed by family therapists; Do you believe that family systems can be the site of unwellness/maladaptive functioning, or is unwellness/maladaptive functioning only found in individuals?

What is the formal authority in the organization?Explain where your organization sits on the centralized/decentralized continuum.

The structural theories lens help you better understand your organization. Include in your discussion thread the strengths and weaknesses of this lens for gaining that understanding. You do not have to share your views on each of the guiding questions. What is the chain of command in your organization? a. What is the formal authority […]

Describe the departmentalization structures of the organization.Where are decisions being made in the organization?

Thread: Using the Structural Theories Lens Which are based on the structural theories lens—help you better understand your organization. Include in your discussion thread the strengths and weaknesses of this lens for gaining that understanding. You do not have to share your views on each of the guiding questions. Guiding Questions What is the chain […]

List three factual statements found in each book.Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?Explain.

Locate two (2)nonfiction picture books for young children.Respond to the following for EACH book: 1.Cite title, author, publisher, and publication date 2.List three factual statements found in each book 3.Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know? 4.Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?

Can I provide a written schedule they can put in a notebook instead of a giant visual schedule with pictures that needs to be placed on a wall with Velcro? Can I put a reminder in their phone?

When we begin to think about ways to provide supports to students with disabilities we can quickly get overwhelmed. We often “overthink” what supports might be needed. For example, many educators will create elaborate, color-coded, laminated charts for students to help them stay on task or select reinforce-rs. While these are totally fine , I […]

What do you see as your greatest exposure to involvement in litigation?

In thinking about your current position and the policies you work under, what do you see as your greatest exposure to involvement in litigation? You do not need to share any specifics that might be disparaging of your school or incriminating of yourself. Just in the broadest terms, share your exposure points.

Discuss one of the philosophies, perennial ism, essential ism, progressiveness, and reconstruction ism by explaining how the four philosophies of education differ from each other and influenced education over time.

In your original post, discuss one of the philosophies, perennial ism, essential ism, progressiveness, and reconstruction ism by explaining how the four philosophies of education differ from each other and influenced education over time. Green: Perennial-ism Hawkins: Essential ism Lu: Progressiveness Watkins: Reconstruction-ism

Describe how you have already made an impact on your home country or the broader international or scientific community, (2) how you will continue to do so after your education is completed, and (3) how your education will directly contribute to your ability to effect these goals.

Describe how you have already made an impact on your home country or the broader international or scientific community, (2) how you will continue to do so after your education is completed, and (3) how your education will directly contribute to your ability to effect these goals. Maximum characters: 2,500

How might you maintain your values to achieve a successful helping relationship with your client?

It is important that human service professionals have positive beliefs about people. Acknowledging what you might believe is important for the client may not be what the client wishes. As a human service professional you will find yourself engaged in working relationships with diverse populations, so it becomes necessary to understand both you and the […]

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