Discuss how each of the success criteria relates, on a larger scale, to satisfying the enterprise architecture.

Your instructor has assigned each group one of several types of enterprise systems to research and prepare a paper and an executive-level informational presentation. In Group Project 1, your team prepared a 2-3 page paper summarizing the case studies, evaluating the success of the implementations, and identifying lessons learned. 1. Each of these success criteria […]

What languages, dialects, registers, and styles you control, how others respond to your language use, your language habits and pet peeves?

This piece will take the form of a 5-6 page critical reflection about your language experiences and how those have interacted with and/or against your culture, identity, and learning. In short, the goal is to describe and examine the role of language and culture in your life using specific examples of oral and written communication. […]


1.You will be writing a research paper dealing with the imact COVID has impacted student performance and will continue to do so. 2. Respond to the question WHAT MUST TEACHERS DO TO BRIDGE THE GAP WITH THEIR STUDENTS WHEN SCHOOLS REOPEN IN SEPT? 3. You can focus on both ACADEMIC SKILLS and SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING- […]

Did you review research and literature in related disciplines that might have implications for the present study?

Review of Related Literature 1. Is the emphasis on the literature pertinent to the problem? (Or is the impression given that the researcher included almost everything s/he read on the problem? 2. Is the relationship between the previous research on the problem and the current research described? 3. Did you review research and literature in […]

How might you use the effective domain and taxonomy in this situation?Is there a different approach that you could use as an administrator to encourage teachers to embrace new technologies in their classrooms?

Add a brief response to the following post. It is meant to add to the conversation. If you were to create a professional development plan to address new technology issues in your organization, what would you recommend as the core components of this type of professional development plan? Do you think that a professional development […]

What surprised you about your river of reading? What does the river of reading demonstrate about literacy as a social practice?

Briefly introduce the purpose and aims of the essay. Explain why literacy can be perceived as a ‘social practice’ drawing on theory and your own experiences of reading. You should include a definition of literacies drawing on your reading of the course. Use this theory to support an academic discussion of your river of reading. […]

Explain the salient features of theories of technology in education and evaluate the advantages and challenges of TEL for learners and learning.

Critical analysis of technology in education and learning •Explain the salient features of theories of technology in education and evaluate the advantages and challenges of TEL for learners and learning. •Plan and deliver instruction which appropriately integrates technology, including anticipating and solving user issues, and critically evaluate its impact on teaching and learning. •Adapt an […]

How does this topic relate to current practices?What important questions are answered/addressed/discussed at this present time based on your topic?

Write an essay in which you select 1 higher education topic that you will use as the focus for your Course Project in this course. As you select your topic, you will need to narratively discuss the following items. This assignment requires citations from 5 sources in current APA formatting. Importance a. Why did you […]

What environmental forces do you think have influenced the city council debate and in what way? How will the city council know if the plan is a success?

After the co-location, will the library still be a “public organization”? Explain how you arrived at your answer and key concepts and approaches that help us analyze if it is a public organization. Will it lose any of its “publicness”? What environmental forces do you think have influenced the city council debate and in what […]

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