How is accurate/reliable data collected/analysed for the purpose of monitoring training load to help inform the planning process?

Review and Adaptions of a yearly training plan/ sport Is a reflective approach adopted to inform the training plan – if so what process is used and who is involved? What specific goals/targets are set? How is accurate/reliable data collected/analysed for the purpose of monitoring training load to help inform the planning process? With reference […]

What skills, traits, or attributes have you seen demonstrated by effectives teachers from your past educational experience? What skills, traits, or attributes do you believe you need to develop to be an effective teacher?

Dispositions of learners for professions using the model code of ethics Write a 500-750 word essay that addresses the following: • Why are professional dispositions of learners important in the educational settings? Provide examples from your past educational experience. • from your past educational experience, how have the model code of ethics for educators been […]

How have we changed our focus from process in favor of results? Provide examples of how we have fared in embracing a model of prevention rather than a model of failure? What progress, if any, have we made in considering children with disabilities as general education children first?

Your final discussion board will involve evaluating the progress we’ve made toward the goals set by the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education after NCLB was passed in 2002. As you’ve learned, NCLB has been revised and replaced by ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, which was passed by Congress in December of 2015. In […]

Access the community in which your desired work environment is located.What is your desired work environment?

This week, you will continue developing your Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook by completing the Community Resource section. This week’s required readings include Chapters 11 and 12 of our Gestwicki course text. • What is your desired work environment? • The geographical location of your desired environment. • The demographics of the children, families, and […]

Analyse three safeguarding policies and areas of institutional support that has been/is being offered in order to prevent primary education teacher burn-out in England and Wales and discuss the emergent themes from this data collection.

An investigation into the factors which cause Primary education teacher burn-out in England and Wales in relation to teacher’s mental well-being, and the institutional support that has been offered in order to prevent this burn-out. Analyse three safeguarding policies and areas of institutional support that has been/is being offered in order to prevent primary education […]

Evaluate your district’s assessment strategy for the area(s) that are relevant to your research and make any recommendations.What can be done to improve assessment results, especially within specific populations?

Assessment Project Part 2 1. Revise the Assessment Project – Part 1 using the feedback that the superintendent provided. 2. Evaluate your district’s assessment strategy for the area(s) that are relevant to your research and make any recommendations. Consider the following points: Does your district’s current assessment strategy meet the needs of certain populations of […]

What type and level of interventions have you observed with students who are struggling in mathematics? Why is it important to understand the tiers of intervention to help differentiate struggles associated with content, application, or delivery ?

Response to students post with 100 words and one scholar references from Topic 4 DQ1 and Topic 4 DQ2 Included Topic in the Title so I can identify the assignments. THESE ARE ALL SEPARATE ASSIGNMENT AND SHOULD HAVE IT OWN REFERENE PAGE. Response to student by saying Hello and the student name. Answer the question […]

Why did the conditions of class organization described by Kim Moody last week result in the rise of public sector workers?

The object is to answer these questions with the files posted and the articles i pointed out below the questions Why did the conditions of class organization described by Kim Moody last week result in the rise of public sector workers? Why do you think feminized / women’s workplaces are at the forefront of these […]

Identify a professional development opportunity available to you online or in your community that aligns with your SMART goal.Explain how what you learned from the interview has influenced your understanding of the role of a teacher.

Use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Explain why you agree or disagree with […]

What was the public perception of the events that occurred?How are those beliefs incorrect?

In 1981 John W. Hinkley attempted to assassinate then President Ronald Reagan. For this LA, I want you to spend considerable time researching and understanding Hinkley’s motivation for engaging in such behavior , what mental illness did he suffer from and how did that illness distort his view of reality, and what occurred after the […]

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