To what extent has the delegate demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the research, literature, policy and guidance surrounding this topic?

A critical analysis of the relationship between the culture and ethos of your setting/locality and international research on inclusive education provisions for learners with SEND Assignment Objectives Your paper should provide an in-depth and insightful analysis of the background legislation, policies and evidence that set the context to inclusion and SEN provision within your locality, […]

Identify and discuss what artifacts, activities, etc. you have completed during this course to demonstrate your development in the respective competency or norm.

Artifacts Second Norm In your Content Competency Development Plan assignment, you identified six performances, essential knowledge, and critical dispositions within the In TASC Model Core Teaching Standards under Standard #4: Content Knowledge and Standard #5: Application of Content in which you feel you, personally, need further development. Taking each identified norm one at a time, […]

Student Success Scientists: Discuss two ways in which you can use data in your context to promote learner success

Student Success Scientists Mark Milliron, an executive at Civitas, an organization that uses big data to understand educational problems, noted that each of us should strive to be a Student Success Scientist by using data to ensure that students are well-served in all facets of our programs. One thing technology has advanced is our ability […]

OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES: Discuss  one of the following arguments against OER and take a stance. Your discussion should be a persuasive post.

Discussion Question – Taking a Stance on OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES While (OER )OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES has many benefits, there are still a lot of people who are against OER creation. Discuss  one of the following arguments against OER and take a stance. Your discussion should be a persuasive post. Before you begin, select one of […]

 Data Set Explanation: , Create a paper that explains a data set in terms of what the data means and what educational practices can be implemented regarding the data.

 Data Set Explanation Assignment Prompt For this assignment, Create a paper that explains a data set in terms of what the data means and what educational practices can be implemented regarding the data. Follow these steps to create your paper: Find a publicly available data set (you can use or any other resource to […]

Family Case Study: summarize the key issues concerning the child and family and the strategies used by the teacher.

Family Case Study For this assignment, you will analyze a family case study that focuses on a 4-year-old boy from China who does not speak English and behaves developmentally more like a 2-year-old. After learning about the relationships between the child, his parents, grandparents and teachers, you will reflect on the issues, the child’s abilities […]

Discuss the purpose of the NDSDFARM accounting system.Considering the purpose of the NDSDFARM, discuss the reasons why it is important for school districts to adhere to this system?

North Dakota School District Financial Accounting and Reporting 1. Discuss the purpose of the NDSDFARM accounting system.2. Considering the purpose of the NDSDFARM, discuss the reasons why it is important for school districts to adhere to this system?3. Review the Expenditure Dimensions graphic on page 48. As a school administrator, talk about:■ The 5 dimensions […]

Epistemic cognition: Discuss your personal epistemology and how this has influenced your teaching practice.

Epistemic cognition a) Discuss your personal epistemology (epistemic cognition) and how this has influenced your teaching practice (30%) b) Critically evaluate your teaching practice and identify measures to enhance this, supporting your answer with evidence from educational literature (70%).

Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 7 did she get for beginning and final consonants?

Quiz: Application Directions: Part 1 – Below you will find links to the Elementary Spelling Inventories (i.e. spelling tests) of two third grade students, as well as a link to a blank feature guide that you will use to analyze the results. Following the procedures found in Chapter 2 and Appendix A of the Words […]

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