What is the difference between ghosts that haunt and those that are stranded in place?Do structures absorb and retain the memory of events that take place within them?

For this week’s forum everyone is required to answer question #5. Beyond that you can choose any other questions/topics that interest you about this week’s selections. 4. According to the reading, how might we describe architectural ghosts and the afterlife? – What is the difference between ghosts that haunt and those that are stranded in […]

What is the Stroll n’ Scroll Method, what’s the value of the method? How might it change our understanding of the areas we in habit?

SPRING SEMESTER -2021Hosted by: Use your thoughts on the lecture to respond to the following questions. 1.What is the Stroll n’ Scroll Method, what’s the value of the method? How might it change our understanding of the areas we in habit? 2.How do we support our main streets now? What helps provide strength?

What is the setting plot characters? How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include?

Prompt 1: Short Story Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in  the course to shape your story. What is the setting plot characters? How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What […]

Determine and describe your Part in concise language.Determine a Part you will use.

As you have done in the past, you will need something to use as an organizing tool to keep your design headed in a consistent direction. Determine a Part you will use. Remember that like the Program, you can change the parti in the future if needed. Determine and describe your Part in concise language. […]

How can key leaders of this firm improve in the next 2-3 years?Explain.

Please keep in mind that the word count requirements point out the minimum amount of effort that should be put into the paper. Word count isn’t everything because quality of writing and research matters as well, but it is an indication of the quantity of effort put into the assignment. Note that word count does […]

Explain how architecture was a reflection of the community at which it was developed.Evaluate concepts in a creative and critical manner with respect to their relevance in generating intelligent, inventive design solutions.

To research about Wang Shu, a contemporary architect, the origins of his/her background and philosophy towards design, and how that work relates to the original triumvirate of Mies, Corbu and Frank Lloyd Wright. In addition, you are asked to investigate how tWang Shu’s work was inspired or influenced by the surrounding local context. – Identify […]

Discuss how some (TL) contributions are more valuable than others.Compare (TL) contributions and practicality with other dating methods including radio carbon dating and dendrochronology.

Write about what thermoluminescence (TL)is, some facts and figures about it, its dating range for example. Discuss its benefits and limitations as an archaeological practise. Discuss its archaeological contributions Discuss how some (TL) contributions are more valuable than others Compare (TL) contributions and practicality with other dating methods including radio carbon dating and dendrochronology.  

Describe the building, the assessment, and what credits it has.How did you rank the credits in effectiveness for achieving the new rating?

Research and find information about a BREEAM assessed building, and research all the necessary documents to understand the environmental assessment of the building. select any type of building as long as it is located in the UK. The report should consist of two main parts. the first is to describe the project and actual credits […]

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