Develop Information Technology Technicians with required Knowledge, proficiency and ability to perform Multi-skilled tasks to handle customers requests, and operate and maintain IT equipment.

Objective of subject

Develop Information Technology Technicians with required Knowledge, proficiency and ability to perform Multi-skilled tasks to handle customers requests, and operate and maintain IT equipment.

Drivers for IT multi skilled technicians

Aligned with IT Strategies ( customer centric , effective organization, Responsive organization)
Better manpower utilization
Up-skill IT workforce
More job sustainability and buildup on knowledge as needed
Clear Career Path and Development Plan

Questions and assumptions to tackle:
1. Why we need to IT multi skilled technician?
2. SFIA should be followed for competencies.
3. Prepare for future technology Industrial Revolution 4.0
4. Process steps to develop technicians : define program, needed skills plan, technicians assessment, Gap analysis, Generate Individual Development Plan for technicians and check, evaluate and monitor program progress.

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