On completion, the essay should:
1. Demonstrate achievement of the mandatory health and safety requirements as
defined by the School and service provider partners.
2. Demonstrates the ability to work independently under the supervision of a
named mentor.
3. Apply safe and effective practices in a range of practice environments and
patient care scenarios.
4. Communicate effectively with service users, carers and members of the
interprofessional team.
This essay is a 2000 word (+/- 10%, excluding reference list and any appendices) Reflective Case study to identify a patient/client they provided care for in their PLE 1 placement and utilising one Reflective Model discuss one of the following aspects of care related to this person. The aspects are taken from the Essential Skill Clusters contained within the Ongoing
Achievement Record and are as follows:
1. Care Compassion and Communication
2. Organisational Aspects of Care
3. Infection Prevention and Control
4. Nutrition and Fluid Management
5. Medicines Management
The work should identify one aspect of care and using the reflective model identify how this skill was provided and was specific to the client
chosen. You should discuss the main points that are relevant to the patient and why they are important to the role of the nurse. Please
include the full Model as an appendix. Please ensure that all work adheres to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct – The Code (2018) – respect people’s right to privacy and
confidentiality.Introduction – identify the model used and briefly detail the skill chosen
Findings – present the information to set out how you chose this aspect of care and why this is important for nursing practice
Discussion – discuss the findings from the reflective model and how this was delivered
Conclusion – identify how you will develop this in your future placements
References – must adhere to Harvard format
Approximate word allocation Details of content
100 Introduction: introduce and identify the model and skill chosen, provide an
overview of the assessment.
750 Findings: share the information gathered on your chosen skill, why it was
chosen and its importance to nursing practice
1000 Discussion:
Present the main points from your reflection
How was this delivered in practice
The implications of your findings in relation to patient care
The role of the nurse in relation to your findings outlining how you might apply the chosen skill.
150 Conclusion: logical summary of discussion
An appropriate reference list should be supplied acknowledging all sources and presented in an alphabetical list at the end in Harvard format.A completed copy of the Reflective Model should be included as an appendix and submitted with the work
Key Considerations
1. Role of the Nurse
2. Aspects of patient care
3. ReflectionKnowledge and understanding: Adequate range of theories, principles and concepts in key areas included.Application: Adequate application of relevant theory to subject/discipline.Generic Cognitive Skills: Demonstrates a satisfactory use of a
comprehensive range of sources to
critically analyse the issues of the
subject/discipline.Communication, IT and numeracy skills.
Textbook references preferred.
I have added a sample of the school adapted reference to be used.