The 2016 Election:What forces within the Republican party, the Democratic party, and society at large allowed Trump to win first the Republican Primary and later the Presidency?

In 3-5 pages, explore the reasons for Donald Trump’s election in 2016.

What forces within the Republican party, the Democratic party, and society at large allowed Trump to win first the Republican Primary and later the Presidency? Your answer should consider changes to both the Democratic and Republican Party. You should focus primarily on political shifts since 2008, but you should also connect these developments to the parties’ evolution since the recession of 1973.

Your paper should be Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, and with normal (1” all around) margins. Because of the short length of this paper, please avoid quoting material from either the readings or your textbook, but rather summarize the material in your own words. If you absolutely must quote from either to make your point, please provide a parenthetical citation at the end of the quote. You do not need to provide a bibliography/works cited page

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