Do you agree with the reading arguments? What examples from real life can you connect with the reading?

Book Review

Fulfillment of requirements Each course module has sets of assigned readings. Students are required to submit reading reflections (~800 words, letter size, single-spaced, 11 font) of the readings, including one discussion question from each reading set to be discussed in class. Follow the guidelines below for reading assignments: • Reflections are not summaries. For each reading, instead of summarizing the contents, select one or two topics that interest you the most.

Discuss your own understanding/ views/ comments/ agreements/ disagreements on the selected topics. Consider asking the following questions: do you agree with the reading arguments? What examples from real life can you connect with the reading? What are your take-aways from the reading? What you like or dislike about the reading?

• Create one separate paragraph for each reading. For example, if a reading set has four readings, use four paragraphs. Be sure to mention the reading you are discussing.

• At the end of each reflection, including one discussion question from each assigned reading. Discussion questions are inquiries that you would like to discuss in class with others. These questions should generate out of the readings. You may contextualize the questions within the readings or briefly explain the context of the questions for better discussion.

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