Identify and discuss what artifacts, activities, etc. you have completed during this course to demonstrate your development in the respective competency or norm.

Artifacts Second Norm

In your Content Competency Development Plan assignment, you identified six performances, essential knowledge, and critical dispositions within the In TASC Model Core Teaching
Standards under Standard #4: Content Knowledge and Standard #5: Application of Content in which you feel you, personally, need further development. Taking each identified norm one at a
time, you will discuss the artifacts and activities you have consulted to help your development in each norm area. You have identified six areas in need of improvement, therefore, you will complete this assignment six times during your time in this course.
1. In written narrative form, name one of the Performance, Essential Knowledge, or Critical Disposition norms you identified in your Content Competency Development Plan as needing further development.
2. Identify and discuss what artifacts, activities, etc. you have completed during this course to demonstrate your development in the respective competency or norm. You must examine at least one artifact (e.g., book, journal article, scholarly work, etc.) within the
scope of your paper and engage in at least one activity ( e.g. website, blog, webinar, interview, etc).
3. Discuss the biblical reference identified in your Content Competency Development Plan that aligns with the respective norm. Explore how that biblical reference can be applied in your practice.
4. In your references, be sure to cite the artifact (book, journal article, scholarly work, etc.) and activity (website, blog, webinar, interview, etc.) you identified in your Content Competency Development Plan as the sources to aid development in each respective norm you identified. Also, be sure to include the biblical reference identified in your Content Competency Development Plan that aligns with the respective norm. Include any additional sources used in your discussion for this assignment.
5. Each paragraph is to be a minimum of five sentences totaling to a body of work that is 1- 2 pages in length (the required title page, abstract of 100-120 words, and reference pages do not count toward this length requirement). This assignment is to be completed in alignment with current APA standards.

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