Paragraph 1:
Please watch the video recorded by Clair Collins and post at least 1 response to the following prompt:
What in this plan do you think is reasonable? Are there pieces that don’t seem logical where practical execution is concerned?
Paragraph 2:
Write a response to this:
“The goals of the Texas 60×30 plan that are reasonable include goal 1 and 3: 60% of Texans ages 25-34 will have a certificate or degree and all graduates from Texas public institutions of higher education will have completed programs with identified marketable skills.
The first goal is already at 36% of the age range holding a certificate or degree. Although it is a decline from previous generations, I feel like our society has been pushing and associating higher degrees with higher paying jobs. I believe there needs to be further guidance from state officials to encourage and close the gap between high school seniors and first year college students. But I do think this is something very attainable, especially since we are 9 years away from 2030 all of the students enrolled today will still be within that age range and will significantly help get to 60%.