How do the federal and state laws have to change to help reduce the lawsuits? Do you think that Facilitated IEP meetings will help reduce lawsuits?

Special Ed Rights & Laws

This assignment will be a post for a Discussion Board for an online Special Education course. Please answer the following “Discussion Questions” below. Please reference at least one in-text citation taken from the sources below. Do not use any other sources except from the ones included here. The professor takes points off if we use other sources other than those listed below.


Special Education Rights & Laws


Review: The Right to Special Education in New Jersey


Review: Parents Rights in Special Education – New Jersey


Read: Landmark Cases in Special Education


Read: Facilitated IEP meetings


Read: The Litigious Mess of Special Education


Discussion Questions:


Special Education is governed by both federal and state law, but it continues to be the most litigious aspect of education by far. Based on what you learned so far in the semester, and what you have read this week address the following in the DB:

  • Why do you think it continues to be litigious?
  • How do the federal and state laws have to change to help reduce the lawsuits?
  • Do you think that Facilitated IEP meetings will help reduce lawsuits?


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