Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 7 did she get for beginning and final consonants?

Quiz: Application

Part 1 – Below you will find links to the Elementary Spelling Inventories (i.e. spelling tests) of two third grade students, as well as a link to a blank feature guide that you will use to analyze the results. Following the procedures found in Chapter 2 and Appendix A of the Words Their Way textbook, complete a feature guide for each student.

Elementary Spelling Inventory – Jaxson Download Elementary Spelling Inventory – Jaxson
Elementary Spelling Inventory – Aubrey Download Elementary Spelling Inventory – Aubrey
Elementary Spelling Inventory – Blank Feature Guide Download Elementary Spelling Inventory – Blank Feature Guide(to copy and complete by hand) – update to 7th Edition p. 381
Elementary Spelling Inventory – Blank Feature Guide Download Elementary Spelling Inventory – Blank Feature Guide(Word doc)

Part 2 – Use Chapters 1 & 2 of Words Their Way and the completed feature guides to answer the following questions.
There are 36 questions. Questions 1 – 6 are based on Words Their Way, chapter 2. For the remaining questions, you will be drawing upon the completed feature guides for Aubrey & Jaxson (see Part 1, above). NOTE: You do not have to turn in the feature guides. You are using them to answer the questions.

1. Spelling inventories should be administered once a week or once every other week.
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2. A student who spells more than 20 words correctly on the Primary Spelling Inventory should be administered the Elementary Spelling Inventory.
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3. Before administering a developmental spelling inventory, you should prepare students by telling them the purpose of the assessment.

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4. When administering a developmental spelling inventory, you should draw out sounds and/or break words into syllables for students when you pronounce the words.
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5. You should always stop the spelling inventory after a student misses five words.
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6. You can estimate a student’s developmental spelling stage based on the number of words they spelled correctly.
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7. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 7 did she get for beginning and final consonants?

8. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5 did she get for short vowels?

9. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 6 did she get for digraphs?

10. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 7 did she get for blends?

11. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5 did she get for long vowels?

12. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 7 did she get for other vowels?

13. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5 did she get for inflected endings?

14. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5 did she get for syllable junctures?

15. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5 did she get for unaccented final syllables?

16. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5did she get for harder suffixes?

17. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many feature points out of 5 did she get for bases or roots?

18. Looking at the completed feature guide for Aubrey, how many words did she spell correctly?

19. Within which developmental spelling stage would you start instruction for Aubrey?

(Hint: You must specify early, middle, or late AND correctly name the stage to get credit for this.)

20. Support your conclusion of Aubrey’s spelling stage in the previous question by explaining at least two different methods you used to determine the spelling stage.

21. Imagine that you are asked to discuss Aubrey’s orthographic development with her parent(s) / guardian(s). In the space below, write a brief paragraph that explains which spelling patterns Aubrey has control of, as well as any she might be using but confusing. Then describe what is the next step in her development that will become the focus of instruction. Because this is an audience of lay people, you will need to be sure to define terminology and provide examples to support understanding. Your writing should be clear and framed in an asset-based way.

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