Health aspects of coffee and caffeine: Explain the history of the topic. What do you think you will learn by doing your research?

Health aspects of coffee and caffeine.

A proposal is a plan, a description of intended action. Proposals can serve a number of purposes, but a research proposal is an especially effective way to decide for yourself and to explain to your instructor and classmates why you intend to research a specific aspect of a topic, how you intend to research it, and what purpose your work will serve.

Part I: General Framework
Explain the history of the topic. What do you think you will learn by doing your research?
Part II: Specific Focus
What is the historical or critical contest of your topic?
Part III: List of Potential Sources
1. What books do you plan to use in your research?
2. What articles from general-interest magazines will you use?
3. What journal articles do you plan to read?
4. What newspaper articles can you use in your research?
5. What documents, pamphlets, or reports will you use?

Prepare a formal research proposal (probably 2-3 pages). It should be made up of three parts: General Framework, Specific Focus, and List of Potential Sources. (Include these subheadings.) For part III, list at least five potential sources; these should be cited in correct MLA format.

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