What do WA regulations say about the scope of practice of LPNs in relation to delegation, assigning tasks/functions to others and supervision?

In conjunction with your reading assignment to review Delegation and You! in Module 4 Resources, eview the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission  web page(s). Answer the following questions in a short APA-styled paper:
1. Describe briefly the kind of information about delegation found on links from the NCQAC website.
2. Identify key differences between RN and LPN scope of practice in WA State and a citation of the regulatory justification for your conclusion.
3. What do WA regulations say about the scope of practice of LPNs in relation to delegation, assigning tasks/functions to others and supervision?
4. Explore at least one hyperlink that is setting specific OR UAP role specific. Describe aspects of these specific regulations that might impact your delegation decision-making or understanding of scope of practice for UAPs .

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