Develop Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults
Complete a Reflective Record sheet to demonstrate how you meet each of the following criteria. You must provide specific examples of how you have done this in practice. It is not enough to just describe your responsibilities in each case – specific examples of what you have done in your work place should make up your Reflective Records.
Criteria covered:
• Use different forms of communication to meet the needs of children/ young people 4.1
• Explain learners’ use of home language and local accents and dialects in a manner which values cultural diversity and reinforces positive self-images.
Submitting your assignment
On completion of your work, you should submit your work to your personal tutor here, just click on the 'add submission' button below and select the file you wish to submit. Once your tutor has marked your assignment, you will receive feedback from your tutor from here along with any suggestions on how to make further progress.