Explain briefly the components of the government of each with regard to the political institutions, culture, and history that affects its ability to deal with the global issue of climate change OR Women’s Rights .

Address all aspects of the prompt below on Climate Change and Institutions. Please upload a Word OR PDF file

Choose two case studies that we have discussed: One from the Global North and one from the Global South. Review the themes from the class that pertains to these case studies and does some additional research if you need to. Gather relevant key concepts.

Explain briefly the components of the government of each with regard to the political institutions, culture, and history that affects its ability to deal with the global issue of climate change OR Women’s Rights . Explain what each has been able to accomplish or not accomplish with regard to climate change OR women’s rights. Again, you may have to look some things up and be sure to cite properly using footnotes or a bibliography. Any citation style you like is fine.

Which of the 2 that you chose is better suited to be a global leader on this policy issue and why? What prevents the other country from effectively solving this policy issue?

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