Discuss this natural drive that we discussed in the unit on attachment and how this drive leads us to interpret and monitor responses from our caregivers.Discuss the strategies and tips for improving group performance and decision-making offered in the unit on Working Groups.

Please answer the following questions. A sufficient response is one that is roughly one paragraph long. Just make sure you include enough detail to answer the question. Only use the text presented and the attached doc.

Discuss the strategies and tips for improving group performance and decision-making offered in the unit on Working Groups.

According to John Bowlby and other researchers, infants seek out attachment and connection with their primary caregiver and treat this connection as being just as important as getting food and water .

Discuss this natural drive that we discussed in the unit on attachment and how this drive leads us to interpret and monitor responses from our caregivers. Using this information, please discuss the attachment behavioral system and how it stores information

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