What beliefs/values guide my actions as a sport leader? Have my coaching motives changed? How why?What is my role as a coach? How to I play the role of coach?


The purpose of this statement is to convey who you are and what you stand for as a coach and a leader – what guides you as you think about yourself in your chosen profession? The statement needs to be concise and meaningful, 1-2 pages. Consider the following questions to help you frame your coaching philosophy for your current coaching context:

Part 1:
What is coaching, and why do I think that?
Why am I a Coach? What do I want to accomplish? Am I fulfilling my personal vision?
How do I define success in my coaching?
What are my future hopes for the athletes and for myself as a coach?
Why are my athletes participating in this program?
What beliefs/values guide my actions as a sport leader? Have my coaching motives changed? How why?
Who holds the power in a coach-athlete relationship?
What is my role as a coach? How to I play the role of coach?
Do you have a vision for athletes, a vision for other coaches and staff in your program, and a vision for the sport program you are working with?
What is your vision of an ideal work environment (school, college/university, organization), an ideal athletic community?
How will I deal with the different values of other people?
Can I explain and justify my coaching actions and decisions?
How do I ensure that I follow my coaching philosophy?


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