Bibliography and citing sources into the essay by the Harvard style. Remember to insert the author’s surname, year of publication and the page where you take information from.
– Explaining what you will talk about briefly.
– How you will structure your essay
– Make clear your pinion/ position
1st Paragraph:
Define key concepts: authoritarianism & development.
– Explain that thy are two opposite concepts and what make them together in some countries, especially in the Middle East.
2nd Paragraph:
– What are the ways that authoritarianism is defined as an obstacle to the development of a specific country in general.
– Why the Middle Eastern states are been authoritarian?
– Focus on a case study, choose a country where the authoritarianism is an obstacle for development in the Middle East, making t as an example.
3rd Paragraph:
– Connect the concept of authoritarianism & development with defining other, such as oriental despotism and modernisation. What is their connection and how they can influence the development of a country?
4th Paragraph:
– Structural critiques as mentioned above in the section of “structural critiques”
– Capitalist development in the Middle East, take some other countries as a critical and real example. Take some graphic numbers from the publications of NGO or The World Bank
5th Paragraph:
– The ways of authoritarianism being an obstacle to development are also connected to the emerge of Regional Powers, such Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel. The overspending in military: report some data released by the NGO, the World any or any other international organisation or institution.
– The impact of authoritarianism on democracy & development
– Is authoritarianism a product of internal or external factors or both?
– Which ones are most important?
– Can authoritarian regimes really claim to be “robust” and “stable” in the post Arab Spring Middle East?
– Define your position and give an idea reconfirming what you have said in the introduction and paragraphs.