Forensic Psychology:Describe the relationship. (psychopaths engage in more violence and more likely to offend. draw on evidence)

Draw on theories and empirical evidence to critically discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour.

-Describe the relationship. (psychopaths engage in more violence and more likely to offend. draw on evidence)

– Dse evidence/theories and empirical evidence to discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour.

-Introduction; give an overall base of what the essay will consist of (a map of the essay)

-Describe the relationship

– Find the emprical evidence of why that relationship exist?

-Neurological mechanisms?

fMRI emotional facial expression Blaire (2013)

Neuroimaging research; Contreras-Rodriguez (2014)

-Empathy? Lamm, Decety & Singer 2011. is empathy associated with certain parts of the brain? is this part different in normal offenders and psychopaths?

– Cognitive deficits? Decety, Skelly and Kiehl (2013) compared prisoners level of psychopathy.

Empathic processing in children Lockwood (2013)

Puzzo et al (2017) Abnormal child psychology

-Attachment styles?

Draw on both strength and weaknesses of these research. use empirical evidence to critically evaluate.

Draw overall conclusion, strengths? weaknesses? treatments?

An Excellent answer would demonstrate:

  • Extensive and detailed knowledge (typically of both in terms of theory and evidence).
  • Excellent skill in argumentation, problem solving and/or critical analysis.
  • Ability to use materials outside those prescribed without loss of relevance.
  • Excellent organisation of ideas in respect of the essay question.
  • Excellent essay structure and appropriate signposting of the key elements of the essay (e.g., via an introductory paragraph).
  • Correct referencing throughout main text and reference section.
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