Explain the structure and function of the main micro and macromolecules used in the human body.

1.1: Explain the structure and function of 5 different cells in humans.

1.2: Explain, using an example, the importance of cells combining to form tissues and organs that have a specific function

3.1 Explain the structure and function of the main micro and macromolecules used in the human body

3.2 Analyse how the digestive system digests and absorbs those molecules explained in 3.1.

Steve: a case study

Steve is a 20 year old man who works as an apprentice car mechanic. He enjoys his single life spending time outside of work with friends going to the gym, playing football and pubbing and clubbing at weekends. He aims not to let his chronic condition of cystic fibrosis impact on his enjoyment of life and participation in work and leisure activities but occasionally the symptoms of his condition are hard to manage in the community and he has just started a short planned admission to hospital to restabilise.

For this assignment you are a student health professional on Steve’s ward being set the task of researching about the science underpinning the symptoms of Steve’s condition and how the condition impacts on his body from the cellular level upwards. You will further examine a particular body system which is affected severely by this condition and how his symptoms can be managed through the use of a diet and supplements which can be tailored to his needs.

Part 1: Understanding Steve’s condition Word count guide: 500

The organs that are most affected by cystic fibrosis are the lungs, the organs in the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas and the liver. Cystic fibrosis can also affect the sweat glands in the skin and the male reproductive system (testes).

a) Choose five specialised cells from at least three of the organs affected by cystic fibrosis and explain how the structures of each cell enable it to carry out its specific functions. You MUST use a table to present your findings and include a labelled cell. AC 1.1

b) Choose one of the organs affected by cystic fibrosis and explain in detail the specific function(s) of that organ. Explain how the different specialised cells and the tissues that the cells combine to form, enable the organ to carry out its function. AC 2.1

Part 2: Enabling Steve to live with the condition.

Word count: 500 (words in table do not count).

Steve can be supported to manage his condition in the community through his diet and by taking pancreatic supplements.

a) For three macromolecules and two micromolecules in the diet explain how their specific structure enables them to carry out their particular function(s) in the body, including those that Steve will benefit from more of in his diet. Use a table to present your findings, words in the table do not count to final word count. AC 3.1

b) Investigate the structures and functions of the different organs of the alimentary tract. Analyse how the specialised organs, tissues and cells of the alimentary tract a) digests and b) absorbs them for each of the macromolecules discussed above. Include in your answer how Steve’s condition impacts on digestion and what pancreatic supplements he requires. AC 3.2

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