Write a report about insights into security issues caused by remote working normally not experienced on site.

Network Security Evaluation and Design

Coursework 1 – Remote Working Security

The work must be entirely your own. Any material from other authors must be correctly referenced in accordance with University regulations. Referencing entire paragraphs or paraphrasing them (i.e. rewriting them in your own words) is not acceptable. Use of references should support your argument, not be your argument. Any work found to be in breach of this will be dealt with officially.


With the current pandemic, companies have quickly adopted work from home (WFH) strategies for employees. Whilst it has enabled employees to perform their work function from home, it creates security issues that wouldn’t be experienced in a typical site based physical location.

Write a report of around 3,000 words that covers the following:

• Insights into security issues caused by remote working normally not experienced on site.

o E.g. how would security practices be integrated in a workplace system that wouldn’t be present in a remote environment

• Two examples of actual attacks where the violation occurred with remote working

• Four strategies/techniques to facilitate secure remote working

o How they work (the essentials)

o How a user would use it

o Why they would work to secure against attack

• Explain whether implementing the strategies guarantee security

Marks will be awarded for quality and depth of writing and also presentation. You will also need to include:

• A suitable general introduction

o Gives the background into the area into which the topic matter fits in

• A reflective conclusion

o Which is not the same as a summary

o Gives deeper insight into the significance, associated implications and progression of the topic and theme of the report

• Bibliography/references

o Used appropriately throughout your report in accordance with University guidelines.

o Use IEEE referencing

Mark Distribution

Category Marks


• Background, current situation, statistics 6

Insights into security issues caused by remote working normally not experienced on site. 16

Two examples of actual attacks where the violation occurred with remote working 10

Four strategies/techniques to facilitate secure remote working

• 8 marks for each strategy 32

Explain whether implementing the strategies guarantee security 16

Conclusion 6

Presentation – Visual

• Diagrams, charts, graphs, etc.

• Layout 8

Referencing / Bibliography

• IEEE Referencing throughout

• Number, type of sources used 6

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