All, use this link to discuss your second section (Section B) of your final project. Use this forum to finalize your Section B. This section most likely will be your longest section. Use the resource documents as a guide as to how this second section (Section B) should be formatted.
You will use various research tools and resources to aid you with this section.
This section is your product or service marketing plan that includes how you will get the product or service to your potential market.
You will also analyze whether your team has the resources (human and non-human), capabilities, and the tools for external environmental scanning.
In addition, you will produce a PowerPoint for Section B that you will post to the team forum for Section B by the due date!
This section is your product or service marketing plan that should detail how you will get the product or service to your potential market.
You will also analyze whether your team has the resources (human and non-human), capabilities, and the tools for external environmental scanning) and what initial business and corporate-level strategies your team might be able to use.
Find: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages