How should the US address contemporary mobilizations, specific to mobilizing military medical forces for COVID response or future domestic national emergencies?

How should the US address contemporary mobilizations, specific to mobilizing military medical forces for COVID response or future domestic national emergencies (Whole of Government Approach)

Audience: Your senior-ranking principal decision maker (SECARMY) • 12 font, New Times Roman; Single spaced. • Concise, precise analysis & critical thinking – no references required • Format: 700-1000 words, not exceed two-pages (start with an engaging title) – Issue: One sentence — sharply defined; keep its size manageable – Background: One-half page max; update the principal on what he/she does not know – Options: 2-3; distinct options (no “throw aways”, status quo is not a good option, but if it is then what are the risks?); • Utilize a whole of government approach to mobilization topic; risks and opportunities; ~.5 pages – Recommendation: Select one option, from your analysis; no new info; ~0.5 pages – Risks: Consensus issues/barriers…Who will likely oppose? Why? **Potential Focused Areas** United States Army Reserves and National Guard Urban Augmentation Medical Task Forces Military Personnel Embedded into Civilian Hospitals

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