How well did the film portray the criminal justice system, criminal, or victims?

Movie Review & Critique

Movie Review & Critique Review one the following films listed below and do the following in short answer form:

1-Provide a summary of the film in two paragraphs. Be sure to discuss the major ideas, thought, points of the film.

2-Discuss your reaction to the film by answering the following in at least 5 complete sentences:

a. How did you feel when watching the film?

b. Did you agree or disagree with what was being portrayed?

c. Could you identify with the movie or character(s) in the movie? d. What did you find striking, illuminating or peculiar about the film?

3-Personally critique the film by answering the following:

a. How well did the film portray the criminal justice system, criminal, or victims?

b. If you had not taken this course or previous criminal justice courses, how would this film (good or bad) affect your perceptions about the criminal justice system, criminal justice professionals (practitioners), and/or crime victims? The following movies/ documentaries can be reviewed OR you may choose another in which the theme or synopsis is related to a criminal justice topic or population. Any movie/ documentary not listed here must be pre-approved by the instructor.

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