Find an article online that supports bed-sharing. What are 2 advantages about bed-sharing that was mentioned in this article?

Apply-It Activity 1 (Ch. 3)

For questions 1 through 4:

In a diverse society such as the U.S., there are differing opinions on bed-sharing. For questions 1-4 you will explore these ideas.

**Note 1: some sites may use the word “co-sleeping” when they mean “bed-sharing”.

For this activity, you can use articles that use the word “co-sleeping” as long as the article discusses caregivers sleeping in the same bed as the baby.

***Note 2: the articles you find do not need to be scholarly (they can be though, but it is not required).

1) Find an article online that supports bed-sharing.

What are 2 advantages (i.e., good things) about bed-sharing that was mentioned in this article?

2)List the website addresses for the article that supports bed-sharing.

3) Find an article online that is against bed-sharing. What are 2 disadvantages (i.e., bad things) about bed-sharing that was mentioned in this article?

4) List the website addresses for the article that is against bed-sharing.

For questions 5 through 9 below: Imagine you are a researcher who wants to conduct a research study to test whether bed-sharing is associated with children’s health.

5) What is the independent and dependent variable in this study above?

6) What would a positive correlation be between this independent and dependent variable?

7) What would a negative correlation be between this independent and dependent variable?

8) Describe how you would test this research question using a cross-sectional research design.

9) Describe how you would test this research question using a longitudinal research design.

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