In this assignment, you will identify a social challenge.

Social Enterprise Project

In this assignment, you will identify a social challenge.

A social challenge is a problem that you believe must be addressed by a social enterprise. Challenges are usually complex in the sense of being connected to various other elements, something we will explore in the section on Systems Mapping tool.

Examples of challenges could be school dropout rate or consistently failing at school; homelessness in downtown Atlanta and so forth. Fill this challenge at the top of the Impact Gaps Canvas template. * Make sure to use APA style, especially the citations for the data you use. Map the challenge: what is the problem, what is its impact, and what is holding status quo, i.e., why does the problem sustain? Fill in the left-hand column by answering the question prompts.

Make sure to draw on data such as industry reports, blog posts and other resources. Cite them in text and reference them at the bottom of the template.

For example, “if you were interested in women’s economic empowerment issues in a given location, you might want to know things like:

‘What percent of women graduate from each level of the school, and how does that compare to the percentage of men? Are the discrepancies different for various demographics or geography?

What is causing the discrepancies?” 1etc. Map the solutions in the right-hand side column of the Impact Gaps Canvas Template.

It has prompts such as ‘what solutions are already being tried’. Remember, you will need to collect data to support your choices. These data will come from industry reports, demographic trends and other similar sources. Cite them in text and reference them at the bottom of the template.

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