If you were using a utilitarian approach, how would you address the ethical issue of fracking?

Read “Sustainability Challenges in the Gas and Oil Industry”

Use the Case Study Template shown in Canvas. Download this to your computer and write your case study on this document. Save and submit your Word document in Canvas.

In your case analysis, you should have the following:

  • In the first section give a one paragraph overview of the case.
  • In the second section “Questions for the Case” answer these questions in paragraph form:
    • If you were using a utilitarian approach, how would you address the ethical issue of fracking?
    • If you were using Kant’s Categorical Imperative, how would you address the ethical issue of fracking?
  • In the next section “Company’s Approach”, give a one paragraph overview of how Exxon handles their ethical issues regarding the environment.
  • In the final section “Evaluation”, address how well Exxon handles the ethical issues and your recommendations for Exxon.
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