Select an industry or service sector and pick two companies, one with a high ACSI and one with a relatively low ACSI. Using your own knowledge and research about the companies, briefly explain why you think they have different ACSI values

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)

Select an industry or service sector and pick two companies, one with a high ACSI and one with a relatively low ACSI. Using your own knowledge and research about the companies, briefly explain why you think they have different ACSI values.

This discussion should be at least 200 words. The two firms must have significantly different ACSI values. Here your comparing the BEST vs the WORST. Be sure to justify your choice of firms. Both firms must be from the same industry or service sector.

Then from a TQM perspective. Take the company with a high ACSI score and discuss their processes and systems. What is it that they do best? Your post should be at least 75 words. Justify your position.

Discuss this by refering to the TQM principles discussed in the text.

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