Write a systematic Review on pscholgical and emotional impacy urine urinary incontinence in children and young people.

This is systematic Review on pscholgical and emotional impacy urine urinary incontinence in children and young people.
. a comprehensive and thorough critical appraisal of all the 20 primary studies under review.
. Table0 characteristic of the studies included
. Comprehenssive and rigorous data extraction from all the 20 primary studies under review.
.All the news data from the studies to be presented as in one and group using PEO- group into children and young people and impact of urinary incontinence in this group
. Result to be presented appropriately
.Data synthesis
.Narrative/timatic data analysis
. Comprehensive discuss of the data found and literature
. Conclusion of whether result of the sysmatic review answer The research questions

Instruction section, reportingand discussion presentation, Systematic review Protocol and feedback from the Systematic Review Protocol to be followed.

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