What non-technical skills and traits will you emphasize in the internal job listing? Why? What three questions will you ask in interviews to evaluate these skills?
With the differing values and characteristics of the pool of candidates, what three challenges do you see for the expatriates selected?
Is it important to send a team that includes a diversity of multicultural and multigenerational members to the new facility in Brazil? Why/why not?
Would you lobby your company to hire some of the 10 from a qualified candidate pool of Brazilian nationals? Explain.
Objective: Examine approaches for attracting and managing a multigenerational and culturally diverse workforce.
Introduction: The multicultural and multigenerational workforce today is made up of differing values and characteristics. A global organization must have a standard set of policies and procedures in place that recognizes these values and differences. Companies must also be able to keep up with the laws and use various management approaches to overcome the challenges and meet the needs of the diverse workforce. This essay will give you the opportunity to apply approaches for attracting and managing a multigenerational and culturally diverse workforce.
.Read the following scenario and questions, then use what you have learned about this lesson’s objective to summarize your responses.
You are a manager in charge of hiring, managing and retaining candidates for various positions within a multinational company that is opening a new location in Brazil. Your candidates vary in age, culture, background and personality. You have 30 internal candidates interested in the 10 openings available.
Address each of the elements below in your paper. It is highly recommended that you use these questions/prompts as level 1 subheadings in your essay.