World War II: Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of World War II? If so, how? If not, why not?

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 27 Lesson Minimum of 1 ||scholarly source || (in addition to the textbook) Consider three (3) of the following events: 1.Treaty of Versailles 2.Rise of fascism, militarism and imperialism 3. Failure of the League of Nations 4. Hitler and the Nazi Party 5. The […]

Read excerpts from The “Good War” by Studs Terkel on Blackboard and answer the following question: Should World War II be considered a “Good War?”

Read excerpts from The “Good War” by Studs Terkel on Blackboard and answer the following question: Should World War II be considered a “Good War?” The stories presented by Terkel are first person accounts of the Second World War by Americans who lived through it at home as civilians or as soldiers. In Elizabeth D. […]

Research that primary source document in more depth and write a two-page essay discussing how it fits into the historical context of World War II.

Choose one of the sources from the “IN THEIR OWN WORDS” sections of Chapter 29. Research that primary source document in more depth and write a two-page essay discussing how it fits into the historical context of World War II.

Describe an event in international relations in Japan during 1939 – 1945 and then use one theory to interpret what happened .

The goal of the paper is to describe an event in international relations in Japan during 1939 – 1945, and then use one theory to interpret what happened . Your paper will be divided into two parts. Remember that the main task is to describe thoroughly what Japan did year by year in World War […]

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