Discuss what types of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) could be assumed to occur from overuse of the tool And finally, what would you do to make it better for you to use in your workspace?

Choose a hand tool that is most frequently used in your work area or an area you are familiar with. Describe the history of the tool and how it came to be the most frequently used. Show photos of previous versions of said tool and what it looks like today. Forecast what the tool could […]

Describe the categories/kinds of sources you found , a specific example from that category, and how you know the example source is credible.

P research is the process of using Google, Wikipedia, or other familiar sources to explore topics and gather basic background info on a topic before delving into further research. P research is an important stage in the research process! 1) What is the topic of your inquiry? 2) Use the web, Wikipedia, or any search […]

State your planet choice and explain why you chose the integumentary alterations for survival there. When stating the evidence, consider the challenges that others may have to your evidence and how you could counter those respectful challenges.

• State your planet choice and explain why you chose the integumentary alterations for survival there. When stating the evidence, consider the challenges that others may have to your evidence and how you could counter those respectful challenges. • You will need to use at least 3 reputable scientific references to support your post. Reputable […]

How does dementia take a toll on family and caregivers? what can be done to reduce wandering?

DEMENTIA You must write at least 1000 words for the body of the paper. It’s fine to go a little longer if you want – there’s no penalty for that. No separate title page is required.  The reference list does not count as part of the 1000 words. The references may not include the course […]

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