What major signal in the IR and 1H NMR would you expect to appear if the conversion is complete?What are the major advantages to NaBH4 over LiAlH4?

Just answer the 5 questions below for this lab: 1.What are the major advantages to NaBH4 over LiAlH4? 2.A percent yield as calculated in the video would not be accurate. Why not? 3.Draw the four enantionmers of the product and label the stereochemistry of the chiral centers. 4.What is the IUPAC name of hydrobenzoin? 5.What […]

Evaluate the importance of stereochemistry in API synthesis

Part A – Evaluate the importance of stereochemistry in API synthesis (1500 words) Include short introduction, discussion by use of examples, draw chemical structure, considerations, conclusion. There are free chemical structure drawing software packages available online e.g. ISIS draw, ACD/Chemsketch Please align assignment with lecturers notes attached. Part B – Reflect on what you think […]

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