Identify a current social issue that involves the concepts of power, privilege, and/or oppression of an individual or group of individuals within society.

Interpret Current Issues of Power, Privilege, and Oppression Identify a current social issue that involves the concepts of power, privilege, and/or oppression of an individual or group of individuals within society. Explain the social work skills needed to provide culturally-relevant treatment services to a client system and the significant considerations a social worker must be […]

How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

For this activity you will write a short, two-source annotated bibliography. First, use the search databases found at the Ivy Tech Library website Links to an external site. to find two sources that you will use in your final research paper. How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us?

How do our food choices affect society? How do food policies affect us? 

Write an MLA style or APA style source citation. After each source citation, write an evaluative annotation of the source. Each annotation should provide a concise description and summary of the source AND evaluate the source’s usefulness or relevance to the closed research theme question, its credibility, and its balance or bias. How do our […]

Compare the de-ontological and consequential perspectives and how each perspective would approach the dilemma from the scenario.

Write an essay in which you do the following:A. Select a nonfictional leader who you feel has exhibited exemplary ethical conduct and do the following: 1. Discuss two ethical traits your chosen leader has demonstrated. 2. Explain how your chosen leader has exhibited ethical conduct.Note: The chosen leader can be someone you know personally or […]

Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal? Give reasoning to support your answers.

Bertrand Russell in sexuality Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal? Give reasoning to support your answers.

Discuss their evolution between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860.

The five traditional institutions are family, religion, politics, economics, and education. Discuss their evolution between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860. Remember this was a period of significant growth and changes in our culture. Each of these institutions experienced growth in importance in our society and as part of the […]

Submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today.

Report on liar guns Using the Internet. submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today. Be sure to provide details on how the technology works. Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment

Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment.

Using the Internet, submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today. Be sure to provide details on how the technology works. Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment (for example: photo radar helps prevent vehicular accidents and reduces fuel […]

What do you think about the camp specifically? What were the children learning about Indigenous culture? What song are they singing?

Follow directions carefully RESEARCH PAPER Most importantly, think about the summer camp where children “played” at being Indian. What do you think about the camp specifically? What were the children learning about Indigenous culture? What song are they singing? support your answer. What do you think of situations where members of one society pretend to […]

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