Are social movements more apparent through the internet and social media? Do you believe changes have been made in our society with these social movements, or are they still in the works?Discuss.

Social movements in our textbook, ones that range from revolutionary movements to reform movements, religious/redemptive movements, and many more. In the past decade, what movements have happened and why do you think they came to be? Some examples that come to mind, would be BLM’s, and LGBTQ+ movements. Are social movements more apparent through the […]

What are the pros and cons of lobbyists as a tool for special interest groups? Should former members of Congress be allowed to become lobbyists? Explain your answer.

What are the pros and cons of lobbyists as a tool for special interest groups? Should former members of Congress be allowed to become lobbyists? Explain your answer. Social movements can at times use disruptive behaviors. What are some of the possible benefits of disruptive behaviors in social movements? What are the drawbacks or possible […]

Describe how they relate to you AND your work with clients or students in your future career.

Select 5 of the 9 identities below to discuss in detail.o Describe how they relate to you AND your work with clients or students in your future career. For each of the 5 identities you select,use the questions below to help you explore your identities in detail. 1.Age and generational influences: When you were born, […]

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