For this assignment, you will be writing an argumentative essay in which you will explore a social issue that relates to or is impacted by neuroscience.

Critical Thinking The primary purpose of the critical thinking essay (CTE) is to help you connect neuroscience to a larger social issue in which you are interested. This assignment relates directly to UNG’s mission to “develop students into leaders for a diverse and global society.” It implements Course Objective 6 from the syllabus: “Upon completion […]

access the provided letter writing guide under the “Files” tab. Using this guide, students will draft a letter to a local, state, or federal legislator to communicate a need for attention or action

Social issue The Letter to Legislator assignment is designed to provide students with an opportunity to engage a public official about an issue of importance to them. The topic of the letter will correspond to the issue/policy/action that is addressed in the Fact Sheet, as these two items can be paired for maximum impact. Students […]

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