Describe considerations that should be considered when assessing an older person.Summarise health and social care support available to older people.

10: Explain (1500 words), how to support a patient with dementia. You should include. • Describe the ageing process and how • Summarise health and social care support available to older people. • Describe considerations that should be considered when assessing an older person.

Demonstrate an ability to negotiate, plan and implement a specific project in a health and social care setting which will benefit service users.

Power point presentation of the chosen topic of the four issues underpinned in the case study.. Please use issue number 3 to develop the project. Demonstrate an ability to negotiate, plan and implement a specific project in a health and social care setting which will benefit service users.

Explore your experiences and the concepts of inter-professional working in contemporary health and social care and relate this to safe and effective care.

Use the reflective analytical tool/framework to analyze this/these experience/s following the steps it proposes for your critical review • Explore your experiences and the concepts of inter-professional working in contemporary health and social care and relate this to safe and effective care • Analyze your experiences and compare these to relevant literature on safe and […]

Undertake a research project within services for health and social care or children and young people

IMPROVING QUALITY OF CARE BY PROMOTING PERSON CENTRED CARE IN RESIDENTIAL SETTINGS IN THE UK   Unit 6: Undertake a research project within services for health and social care or children and young people 1 Be able to justify a topic for research within services for health and social care or children and young people […]

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