What is it I should know about you as a writer that may be an obstacle to your success in this course? Or, conversely, what is one of your characteristics of your writing that you believe will contribute to your massive success in our class?

As we build a community within our virtual learning space, occasionally I share or ask others to share information about themselves, their academic interests and pursuits, their intended next steps after graduation, etc. At this point in the semester, I request that you tell me one thing about yourself as a junior- or senior-level student […]

Define and discuss the three most important concepts in the film.Why did you select these concepts? Explain what makes them important?

Write a 2 page essay that describes the movie “It’s the Law”. This assignment is due on 2/7. Your essay should be double spaced and typed in 12 pt Tahoma font that incorporates all of these questions. Please do NOT use bullets to answer this question. If you use any sources including the textbook, make […]

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