Demonstrate self-evaluation and improve practice through reflection.Define the objectives of an investigation with the use of appropriate evidence and other supporting information.

Advanced comparison of three types of crude oil, one each from the UK, the US and Canada 1.Define the objectives of an investigation with the use of appropriate evidence and other supporting information. 2. Plan a research strategy, including where appropriate experimental and computational studies 3. Demonstrate mastery of the subject area. 4. Independently plan […]

Critically assess the usefulness and relevance of the selected theories and methodology of the thesis for the findings.Critically assess the implications of the findings of the thesis for practice.

Independently describe, analyze and process a complex issue using relevant scientific theories and methods. Define an international and/or intercultural issue relevant to companies and organizations. Formulate an appropriate research question that guides and structures the research and thesis writing process. Select, assess, and apply relevant theories. Select, assess, and apply a relevant methodological approach, including […]

Demonstrate any gaps in the literature and how that literature has shaped your research.

Description You will be expected to prepare a research proposal on a chosen topic and to submit in a written format using accepted structures. Within the proposal you will: Choose a relevant research subject The choice of a relevant research topic; developing a research topic and setting the research question and research objectives. Reviewing current […]

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