Think about how pivoting effectively helps you to maintain productivity. Have you ever been in a situation where something changed suddenly? What was the situation? How did you respond?

REFLECT The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply pivoting effectively in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will […]

Analyze the articles and construct your opinion discussing the importance of productivity vs.

Find two current article/video or more than two articles/videos that cover productivity and/or quality of operations in the following areas – refer to list below. Analyze the articles and construct your opinion discussing the importance of productivity vs. quality in a particular field of business and include your recommendations . Make sure to clearly state […]

Determine the leadership styles used by leaders to initiate and implement a change process.

Research Methods / Research Skills for Managers Proposal Iidentify leadership attributes or skills that are important in inspiring change. ii.Determine the leadership styles used by leaders to initiate and implement a change process. iii. Examine the impact of the change process on organisations’ productivity. iv. Assess how an organisation can create and sustain a culture […]

What factors influence the PM methodologies employed by Manufacturing firms?How effective or not are these methodologies, Are some more effective than others?

A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE APPLICATION OF PM METHODOLOGIES IN MANUFACTURING FIRMS WITHIN THE USA(or any other country) Research questions that will be used are: 1. What are the prevailing PM methodologies employed in the manufacturing sector? 2. How effective or not are these methodologies, Are some more effective than others? 3. What factors influence […]

What is really going on in this case? What types of problems are there e.g. human resources, leadership, motivation, legal, lack of skills, quality.

UIDANCE CASE STUDY 1. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS: a. Read the case carefully and ask yourself the following questions: What is really going on in this case? What types of problems are there e.g. human resources, leadership, motivation, legal, lack of skills, quality. b. Make a list of all the problems you can identify. Are some […]

Critically analyse the challenges and opportunities of effectively and efficiently developing sustainable leadership initiatives including the management of productivity and performance and organisational culture with a focus on profit, people and the planet.

Leading and Managing Organizational Resources Critically analyse the challenges and opportunities of effectively and efficiently developing sustainable leadership initiatives including the management of productivity and performance and organisational culture with a focus on profit, people and the planet.”

How do you create engagement for them? Know that some will be happy, others not so much.What the expectations are when they return

Case Study: Companies are beginning to develop plans to bring their employees back to work in an office environment. This company has had 25 employees working from home for over a year during the pandemic. They have found that productivity slipped during this time and want to get them back to work in the next […]

Develop a creative name for your company.Determine what type of business your company is as an example, is it an Accounting Firm? A Call Center?

Case Study: Companies are beginning to develop plans to bring their employees back to work in an office environment. This company has had 25 employees working from home for over a year during the pandemic. They have found that productivity slipped during this time and want to get them back to work in the next […]

What are common mistakes business leaders make when designing and implementing a corporate social responsibility plan?

Increasingly, corporations are viewed as moral agents accountable for their conduct to their employees, investors, suppliers, and customers. The organizational culture often reflects one of two dimensions – either a concern for people demonstrated through the organization’s efforts to care for its employees’ well-being or concern for performance—the organization’s efforts to focus on productivity. Do […]

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