After reading Logic in Argumentative Writing  and Developing Strong Thesis Statements, write a letter about a problem on your campus, in your community, or at work to a person who is in a position to correct the problem.

Sexual harassment at work After reading Logic in Argumentative Writing  and Developing Strong Thesis Statements, write a letter about a problem on your campus, in your community, or at work to a person who is in a position to correct the problem. Provide convincing evidence that a problem exists, and in suggesting a solution to […]

Focus on a major problem facing the military globally and also has a major impact on the world at large.

Your topic needs to focus on a major problem facing the military globally and also has a major impact on the world at large. You can select a problem from those listed below and then identify a focused area of that larger problem or you can present you own idea of a problem to be […]

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