How does post-structuralism contribute to feminist thought?Discuss.

Much of Western political theory is based on Enlightenment ideas about reason, and in particular on a paradigm of the autonomous, rational individual derived from liberalism. However, a number of contemporary thinkers in the Continental tradition have challenged these preconceptions, showing that we also have to take account of certain external, and often ‘irrational’ forces […]

What exactly is being claimed here? How and from where has this claim originated? How reliable and meaningful is the claim? Is the intended information always presented and portrayed helpfully and accurately? Are realistic conclusions always drawn ?

Climate Change may be the most heavily debated topic in the world today. Although it could be misleading to suggest that ‘opinion is split (as in ‘equally split’), there is certainly strong disagreement in some quarters. However, integral to this disputial or discussion, vested interest and misinformation, alongside good, verifiable, independent research. Your task is […]

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